I did a 365 photo project in 2011. I decided instead of a year I'd post daily photos indefinitely & added a "no pressure" clause. If I miss a day, no worries. Quality over quantity. I'm Christi Kassity. This is my life. Welcome to the Daily CK.

30 January 2012

It was so good to see the Lady Washington back in Ventura Harbor. She's beautiful. (She was also in the original Pirates of the Caribbean film.) (Click to Enlarge)

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27 January 2012

Postcard I recevied today from Belarus. (Click to Enlarge)

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23 January 2012

Postcard I received today from Spain. (Click to Enlarge)

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20 January 2012

(Click to Enlarge)
Screencapture from TV show Southland shows my former building, where you can see my bedroom window.

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18 January 2012

(Click to Enlarge)

Working the press line at the Spartacus Vengeance premiere. It was insane, but so much fun! Afterwards, I met up with Cerissa to see Stephen Merchant at Largo in WeHo <3

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17 January 2012

Our Red Knight was victorious, and I got a kiss and a carnation. (Click to Enlarge)

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16 January 2012

(Click to Enlarge)

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13 January 2012

(Click to Enlarge)

Freaky movie display. I was at the cinema this day to see Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol.

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12 January 2012

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11 January 2012

Today I finished the third and final book of The Hunger Games trilogy. 

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9 January 2012

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6 January 2012

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5 January 2012

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4 January 2012

Another Jane By Design Style Challenge. Turn a pretzel into something fashion-y. 

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3 January 2012

This was done for a project I was assigned to for work. It was the Jane By Design Style Challenge. 

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2 January 2012

Calm waters of the Pacific with a view of Santa Cruz Island.

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1 January 2012

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