I did a 365 photo project in 2011. I decided instead of a year I'd post daily photos indefinitely & added a "no pressure" clause. If I miss a day, no worries. Quality over quantity. I'm Christi Kassity. This is my life. Welcome to the Daily CK.

29 February 2012

Adrienne and I went to Disneyland on Leap Day, when it was open for 24 hours. We got there at 10pm and did not leave until it closed at 6am the following morning (and then we came back later that day.) It was so crowded but so much fun. 

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13 February 2012

Melanie, Shavon, and Megan at the Wildcat as we celebrate my 30th birthday, showing off my lipstick prints on their cheeks. 

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12 February 2012

(Click to Enlarge)
Spending the day before my birthday (and 2 days before Valentines Day) at Alan and Ally's home for the Goddess Gathering, which included all of the girls be spoiled with glasses of wine (you see my hand holding my glass), and chocolate covered everything. It was such a wonderful time with some of the most incredible people I know.

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11 February 2012

It's a Valentines Day balloon jungle in this store. It looks like it is raining ribbons.

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2 February 2012

Map of Brooklyn in my local bagel place. Has me missing Sharlene!

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1 February 2012

A Beautiful layer of Altocumulus clouds. (Click to Enlarge)

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