I did a 365 photo project in 2011. I decided instead of a year I'd post daily photos indefinitely & added a "no pressure" clause. If I miss a day, no worries. Quality over quantity. I'm Christi Kassity. This is my life. Welcome to the Daily CK.

Awesome giveaway!

I rarely read a book in a series if the second one isn't out. I try to hold off because I know how mad at myself I will be in the end when I can't jump right into the second book. This year I broke that rule and it came back to bite me in the end with Article 5. The second book, Breaking Point, was still a long way away from being released. Thankfully there are awesome websites like Boekie's Book Reviews having a contest for me to win a copy of Breaking Point. I figured, if I shared with all of you, and one of you won, you would nice enough to share. So go and enter! and if you haven't read Article 5, you should.

Here is where you go to enter:

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