I did a 365 photo project in 2011. I decided instead of a year I'd post daily photos indefinitely & added a "no pressure" clause. If I miss a day, no worries. Quality over quantity. I'm Christi Kassity. This is my life. Welcome to the Daily CK.

25 March 2012

(Click to Enlarge)
What an exciting day! I got to see my friend Brendan Gaughan, and this was my first ever experience with anything NASCAR. It was all so cool! Jon and I got "Hot" passes which is the equivalent of an All Access pass. We were able to walk around on the track and in the back garages, and behind the stage where all of the drivers hang out before the race starts, and by all the cars before they line up at the starting line. Then we were able to put on a headset (just like the one on this gentleman in the photo) to hear Brendan communicate with his crew and sit in the pit-box and watch the race with the crew. If you enlarge the photo, you can see Brendan's car, the #33. Unfortunately Brendan blew his engine in the very first lap and the race was over for him. Jon and I were able to stick around and watch the race. Just over halfway through the race it started to rain, and Jon and I decided to leave. As we were trying to walk back out to where we parked the sky just opened up and we were completely soaked. I hadn't seen it rain so hard in a very long time. It felt like an Arizona monsoon. Jon and I left and took shelter in a restaurant and had lunch. Despite Brendan being out of the race so quickly I had a great time and I cannot wait until I get to see Brendan again.

You've gotta see Jon's amazing photos! Click here to see them

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